Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"don't you ever grow up"...

so basically i'm way excited that i'm gonna be sixteen in four days! it's pretty crazy to me and i seriously don't feel like it's here. but it is. right around the corner.
i look back and think how i thought that twelve was so old (only because i was a beehive obviously) and then fourteen was huge (only because i was a miamaid of course) i thought that i'd be like mature and stuff...
i still wish that i wanted the sit cris-cross applesauce. i wish i still got excited and ran to see my dad when he got home from work. i wish i could still have my hair parted down the middle with my moms signature pigtail braids in my hair. i always thought i couldn't wait until i was grown up because i would grow out of my baby fat, but baby fat was cute back then. it's not so much cute when i have fat now. i'll be honest as excited as i am to turn sixteen and flee the house in my truck whenever i want, looking back on my years... kind wish i never grew up...

(paige ellen hamblin age 6)

(paige ellen hamblin almost 10 years later)

"oh darlin' don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up. just stay this little. oh darlin' don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up. it could stay this simple. i won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart, and no one will dessert you. just try to never grow up."
-taylor swift

Monday, October 24, 2011

allison mae...

so allison mae powell has been my best friend since like first grade? who really knows? allison is like what, five feet eight inches of pure gorgeousness. she dances for the academy of ballet and is absolutely crazy!
she has the best sense of humor and we laugh so hard together. she and i have had our rough spots but i think that's what makes us so close. we've been through literally thick and thin together and we can conquer anything together. if i had to be stuck on an island with one person it would be allison;)

"... you're a true friend, you're here till the end."
-hannah montanna

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"as the days go by"...

so life is going pretty well for me right now. physics is kickin' my butt, but i've come to realize that it's the only thing making me work really hard. my birthday is coming up soon and i am ecstatic! i'll be sixteen finally and i am getting my license on halloween! if it weren't for pre-planning i wouldn't have been able to get my license right away but now i have absolutely everything i need to get my license i just need to be sixteen! my only brother joshua is coming home in three months and twelve days from this very day! my sister hailey is all grown up and wearing heals now. she's going to byu and living down there too, she's loving it. baby emma rae is starting to walk now and becoming more of a trouble maker! dad and paula are still same old same old. just the rockin' parents everyone wishes they had! so i would say, all in all everything's going great!

"as days go by, i can feel 'em flyin' like a hand out the window in the wind..."
-keith urban