Friday, August 26, 2011

tiger pride hoo-raw...

so school started and i guess it's pretty fun... haha i love it!! i seriously love orem high school and i'm having the greatest time! so many new faces and friends to make! everyone is so nice and it's an awesome atmosphere around that place! sophomores, jr.'s and seniors! it seams like everyone wants to be friends with everyone and it really makes me so happy! so my papa {jim hamblin} used to be the head coach for the east high school football team {yes troy boltons east high school:)} and tonight we are playing them in our first home varsity game! it's so exciting because i actually know people on the team now! you may say i'm just a squishmore but i've got "tiger pride... HOO-RAW!"

Thursday, August 18, 2011


so i'm a tiger! officially registered and all that great stuff. i was looking over my schedule and a days are going to bite! i think i'm going to like my next three years a lot though! it isn't easy changing things when you have no clue weather your going to like it or not but the idea behind it all is that it always gets better! good ol' canyon view or new and improved orem high? i think we all know whats about to get better!

Monday, August 15, 2011

my knight...

i don't want a knight in shining armor, i want a knight in armor with cuts and stuff... haha good times with brennan